RRP Rapid Reintegration Procedure

RRP - Rapid Reintegration Procedure

    The ground breaking new procedure “Rapid Reintegration” by Edgar A. Barnett, M.D.The Rapid Reintegration Procedure has evolved from Analytical Hypnotherapy and Ego State Hypnotherapy. It has been streamlined to include only the essential elements without impairing effectiveness. Although the procedure asserts that the process of hypnosis is maintained throughout, there is no attempt to induce a state of hypnosis. The procedure is based on the assumption that, emotional disorders arise from the presence of dissociated distressed ego states formed during traumatic experiences in childhood. It detects these ego states and reintegrates them into the prime personality, resolving previous unconscious conflicts and alleviating symptoms. This is accomplished without verbalization of the experiences responsible for the unconscioius distress, accomplishing the same goals as ego state hypnotherapy but requiring less of the therapist’s time. This book will present both the theory and practice of ego state hypnotherapy as practiced in the Rapid Reintegration Procedure.
A Revolutionary Approach to Analytical Hypnotherapy and Ego State Therapy

This Procedure is the result of a constant search for a rapid and economical application of the Analytical Hypnotherapy and Ego State Hypnotherapy principles in dealing with emotional and behaviour problems. It retains the basic concept that these problems are the result of past traumatic experiences that were initially dealt with by assigning them to the care of parts of the personality. These parts, or ego states, eventually became separate, dissociated or disowned while attempting to serve and ensure the well being and survival of the main personality. Repressions of these parts is frequently incomplete and the emotions associated with them can then be triggered in the present by events reminiscent of past trauma. The Rapid Reintegration Procedure is directed at identifying these parts, and enabling them to readily access adult resources that will facilitate release of these outdated tensions, and promote the reintegration into the prime personality. In this streamlined analytical procedure no former analytical feature has been retained that is not considered to be absolutely necessary. Thus there is no formal hypnotic induction, no finger signalling, and no verbalization of memories.

Now available in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German and French.

Part 1: Principles

Chapter 1 The Nature of Hypnosis

Chapter 2 Theory of Ego State Hypnotherapy

Chapter 3 Ego States

Chapter 4 Principles of Ego State Hypnotherapy

Chapter 5 Uncovering Ego States

Part 2: Practice


Chapter 7 Illustrative Cases

Chapter 8 Therapeutic Failures

Chapter 9 The Negative Birth Experience

Chapter 10 Prenatal Trauma

Chapter 11 Sex Abuse