Larry Volz – Richmond VA
Dear Dr. Barnett, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you have shared with the hypnosis community. I just helped a woman five minutes ago accept her own worth in a joyous moment of tears thanks to your rapid reintegration procedures and, like many other times before, I felt the desire to thank you. So many times your inspirations have helped me help others and left me feeling like I am doing God’s work. Such a wonderful thing to be able to touch someone and help them heal so deeply and to do it quickly – just cannot thank you enough. You are a hero of mine, my clients and the group of hypnotists in the Master Hypnotist Society I am a part of. We have your book on our list of recommended reading and guide everyone to learn what you have so kindly shared. So, please know you have the thanks of many and we
think you are one of the coolest guys EVER! Best, Larry Volz, Richmond Hypnosis Center
Dr. Ron McCallum – Toronto:
We enjoyed watching your innovative method in Rapid Reintegration Procedure.
We admire your energy and continued interest in hypnosis.
Dr. Edward Leyton – Kingston:
‘Like the DVD! I have some suggestion re ‘language’ from a an NLP perspective. I want to go over it again and see what you have done differently than the protocol I had from just before the GPPA conference [2008]. It’s different I think’.
Dr. Dabney Ewin – New Oleans:
‘Thanks for the CD of your work with rapid reintegration. You are on the verge of putting all of us ordinary hypnotists out of work’.
Dr. Dennis Chong – Oakville:
‘We are both utterly charmed by your style, professionalism and your intrinsic gentleness with the person you work with.
We are also immensely awed by the speed of your work, your intuitions and the remarkable accuracy of your mind reading and clinical assumptions and presuppositons that you take.
Perhaps it may be true that there only be one of you . . . EVER!
And for that, we live to be grateful to know you and to live in your time; and for me – to have been taught by you’.
Dr. Paul MacKenzie – Kingston wrote:
‘Today I watched the sessions with the first two people and will soon have a chance to see the rest. The DVD is very well done and I am extremely impressed by this technique and by the way you explain and teach it.
At 75 I am 10 years retired and I so admire how you have continued to be so active at an age more advanced than mine’.
David G. Harrod (Tucson)
This review is from: The Rapid Reintegration Procedure – Sessions with Celena (DVD)
The DVD shows Dr. Barnett performing the Rapid Reintegration Procedure on a client. The DVD is an adjunct to the book of the same name published by Junica Publishing (http://www.junicapublishing.com/). If you purchase the book for $49 (well worth the price) you can purchase the DVD for $15 from the same site. After reading the book, the DVD is the capstone showing how the ego state hypnotherapy procedure is used to aid a client in ridding him/herself of parent/child conflicts that result in long term personal issues. The book takes you step by step through the procedure. The work is done by the client and the client does not have to disclose any issues to the hypnotherapist – it is essentially internal work to the client with the hypnotherapist providing guidance.
I gave the DVD a 4 out of 5 rating because the sound quality on the DVD is poor – you have to turn the volume up high to hear it. If you are listening to it on your computer, all the normal beeps and other sounds are then greatly amplified to the point of being irritating. I find this a typical problem with CDs that have recorded audio sessions on them (as well as garage band demo CDs) – a recording studio would normalize the output during editing before creating the master and avoid the problem. It doesn’t diminish the content, just the ease of use in my opinion.
January 2006 I have admired Dr. Edgar A. Barnett since the early 1980’s. His books , “unlock Your Mind and be Free” and “Analytical Hypnotherapy Principles and Practice” have been useful tools for me in my 23 plus years as a hypnotherapist at Methodist Hospital in New Orleans, LA. His new book “The Rapid Reintegration Procedure” matches up to his previous two. I wish I had this book years ago for it would have come to my aid during many counselling situations. Dr. Barnett’s assertion that the hypnotic effect can come in or out of what has been defined as hypnosis and with the same results, is so true. This theory also supports my contention that anyone who can think, reason and communicate can be hypnotized. “if we continue to consider hypnosis as a process of communication with the unconscious right brain…we can recognize how universal and constant hypnosis must be.” He defines hypnosis as “the process of communication with the unconscious mind, recognizable by an unconscious response to suggestion.” Dr. Barnett’s description of ego states and his “Rapid Reintegraton Procedure should be taught in all hypnotherapy schools. People need to be released from “the Prisons of the Mind”. The effects of past traumas are addressed and helps to release those effects so the client can live a more meaningful and happy life. I hightly recommend Dr. Barnett’s new book, “The Rapid Reintegration Procedure”. In reading his book you will recognize the genius of Dr. Edgar Barnett and want to read his other two books in order to enhance your personal or hypnotherapy skills. Paul G. Durbin Ph.D Chaplain (Brigidier General) US Army Retired Director of Pastoral Care Methodist Hospital News Orleans, LA RetiredDirector of Clinical Hypnotherapy Methodist Hospital New Orlean, LA Retired
January 2006 This book is unique in providing information for different learning styles. I found the combination to be very useful. This is an excellent addition to the learning process. It seems very consistent with RRP. The potential learner is “active” not “passive”. The students are in an important way teaching themselves. G. Lande, M.D.
February 2006 “Dr. Edgar Barnett may well be the most experienced M.D. practitioner of analytical hypnosis in this hemisphere. With his Rapid Reintegration Procedure (RRP) he has refined the technique to give a patient insight and relief in less than half the therapeutic time we required in the past. His writing is clear, and his technique is worth learning.” Dabney M. Ewin, MD, FACS Clinical Professor of Surgery and Psychiatry Tulane University Medical School Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Louisiana State University Medical School
April 2006 As a patient of Dr. Barnett’s for several years, reading “Unlock Your Mind and Be Free” reinforced my therapy sessions. For most of my life, I haven’t had the luxury of living in the “Now”, of being “Present”. I was living in fear…a prisoner of the past, hoping that tomorrow would bring peace and happiness. As a result of my sessions with Dr. Barnett and reading “Unlock Your Mind and be Free”, along with my own homework, I am now experiencing what it is like to live in the “Present” moment, free of the conditioning of the past, enjoying the “Now”. J.L., Kingston patient
January 2007 Both authors are physicians trained in medical hypnosis. The senior author is one of the pioneers of clinical hypnosis who has published two previous books, and the co-author was trained by the first author in the RRP procedure…. The strengths of the book are the clear and succinct descriptions of theoretical concepts and practical applications of the RRP model. The programmed text is especially helpful in delineating each step in the process. At the end of each chapter are questions and answers that facilitate learning the concepts and procedures. I believe any clinician could utilize RRP after reading this book. The chapters on therapeutic failures and sexual abuse were especially informative and reflected the conclusions drawn from years of clinical experience. The clinical material presented demonstrated the warmth and sensitivity of the authors in treating their patients……. In general I would say that this book clear manual for anyone wishing to learn and practice RRP. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis Excerpts from a review by Shirley McNeal, PhD., ABPP, San Francisco, CA.

Image by Ruben Ortega